Gerard Scientific is the leading microscope service provider in Adelaide for brightfield, phase contrast, polarizing, DIC, and fluorescence microscopy for brands such as Zeiss, Olympus, Nikon and others. We work on compound upright or inverted, stereo/ dissecting, robotic slide scanners and digital imaging microscopes in areas such as Pathology, Microbiology, Hematology, Biology, Physical and Earth Sciences. We service customers performing research and teaching at Universities right through to Veterinary Medicine.

Centrifuge service and repairs for a range of brands such as Eppendorf, Thermo, Sigma, Heraus, OHAUS and more. We service refrigerated and non-refrigerated models with swing out or fixed angle rotors with speeds up to 22,000rpm. Repairs can include circuit board replacements, gas strut regassing or replacement, imbalance sensors and so on.

Gerard Scientific provides balance service and calibration for 2g/6-decimal place microbalances through to 10kg/1-decimal place top weighing scales

Gerard Scientific have been servicing pH meters and Titrators for over 20 years including brands such as Metrohm, Radiometer, Mettler Toledo, Thermo, HACH, Schott and others