
UV-VIS Spectrophotometer – Mettler Toledo UV5 Bio

Original price was: $22,500.00.Current price is: $6,000.00.

Mettler Toledo UV5 Bio UV-VIS Spectrophotometer

Please note this is a second hand unit which was traded in after 9 months of use due to a laboratory shutdown.
It has been serviced and calibration verified to within tolerances using Hellma calibration standards.
All three stocked units are in perfect working order.

Spectrophotometry for Bio and Kinetics.
The compact UV5Bio benchtop UV/Vis spectrophotometer is the perfect fit for laboratories analyzing biological samples or performing temperature studies. Its flexible accessories and small footprint make it the perfect fit for every busy lab.
Ready-to-Use Bio-Applications

Pre-programmed applications for Nucleic Acids (DNA, RNA, mRNA, Oligos, etc.) with QC Ratios (260/280 and 260/230), protein assays, and cell density.

Temperature Control

Add temperature to your samples with CuveT. Expand your applications and measure kinetics, lipase activity, protein denaturation, and melting point.

Stand-Alone and Software Operation

The instrument can be operated with the LabX UV/VIS PC software or without a PC connection, allowing a minimal footprint on the bench.

Availability: 3 in stock


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