Adelaide’s Microscope Service Provider
Whether it’s a one off or a classroom set of 30, Gerard Scientific has been servicing various brands of microscopes for over 15 years in Universities, clinics, hospitals, medical research, veterinary clinics and the like.
Beyond simple maintenance of eyepieces and objectives microscopes prove to be challenging and time consuming to clean and restore to normal working order. We employ various techniques combined with experience to disassemble your microscope into components for cleaning of difficult to remove contamination without damaging lenses. With a background in Engineering and Biomedical Engineering Gerard is the most trusted name in microscope servicing in Adelaide.


EVOQUA Ultrapure Water Systems
Gerard Scientific partners with EVOQUA for distribution, service & installation of Ultrapure Type I, Type II and Type III laboratory water systems in Adelaide, South Australia.
Comparison Microscope
A recent project was the service and restoration of a comparison microscope used in forensic analysis. After a complete teardown and rebuild of this system, along with additions such as digital tracking DC power supplies for bright-field lighting, a PhotoniX 4K standalone HDMI camera and a custom machined phototube to achieve parfocality, this project resulted in a significant saving for the university compared with a new system costing in excess of $250k.

Centre of Excellence
Gerard Scientific will commence construction in Technology Park – Mawson Lakes during Q3/2024 of a brand new high tech showroom, manufacturing, calibration, service and repair facility for electrochemisty and photonics based devices, launching brands such as SpHinner and PhotoniX into the global market. With CADCAM CNC machining and robotics, along with electronics utilizing advanced control systems we aim to bring a new level of precision to laboratory automation and imaging. Watch this (aero) space….

Hellma UV-Vis Calibration kits
UV-Vis Spectrophotometer calibrations will soon be added to our service offering. We anticipate the arrival of two brand new calibration kits containing a Holmium standard for wavelength accuracy and Neutral Density Filters for photometric accuracy. Calibration verification can be performed on any Vis or UV-Vis Spectro with standard 10mm cuvette holders.
Arrived Jan 2024. Enquire now to book your calibration date.

Calibration Weights
Masscal high precision calibration masses for up to six decimal place microbalances.
This new wire set compliments our class E2 polished stainless steel masses which range from 1g – 200g, perfect for linearity verification on microbalances through to 400g x 0.001g precision balances
Arrived July 2023. Enquire now to book your calibration date.